Wednesday, 8 July 2009


Transmission Starts...

Ah, the world of business. With spiraling R and D costs and the huge risks involved in market investment the car industry is learning to outsource. Awarding contracts to specialists is, of course, not a new idea. The Saxons' arrived in Britain as part of an outsourcing idea in the chambers of King Vortigern... or possibly Rome.
The superpowers of the Twentieth century outsourced the war of ideals to the developing world in South America and Asia whilst feeding the fires with guns and ordnance, propaganda and promises.
It was to no great surprise that this weeks news held tidings that MI5/6 etc had outsourced torture to the Pakistani security services.
On the one hand we condemn torture in Iran/Rwanda/Zimbabwe/China etc, etc and on the other we (by proxy) torture our own citizens for doing things that they have been inspired to do by the heavy handed foreign policies that include torture.
All things are cyclical.

Transmission Ends...

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