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The Lost tells me about the trouble he gets from the local police force. It struck me, made me angry.
The Lost has been given his chances. The system has processed, marked and rejected him. The housing foundation threw him out for fighting. Sure, maybe he should have kept his fists to himself, but this is a man who spends his days alone in a crowd. To suddenly find yourself sharing space with others who are equally socially cold, or worse have set up there clique's must have been difficult. I might have thrown the odd fist about.
So now he finds himself on the streets. No hope to speak of, just the kindness, or the want to appear kind of strangers. No doubt he'll find himself in front of the local magistrates where they will see no option but to impose a fine. How will he pay for that? What if they ask for community service? To work for free? Would it do him any good? I plan to sit in on his case if/when it happens.
This is just one of the problems I mull over on a daily basis...
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