Tuesday 11 August 2009

The Lost Anarchist

Transmission Starts...

On the micro scale, The Lost has come blinking and bewildered into the sunlight. I find him selling the Big Issue. He looks annoyed to have been shuffled down a course, dragged into this system that is society. He looks annoyed that ASBO's and court orders were threatened. I'm positive for him. I'm positive for myself. Not only have the local authorities done something pro-active, perhaps The Lost will recover. Perhaps they have sent him down the right course.
"This is really good" I say
" I s'pose it's a step up" sez he.
Of course, all of this raises interesting questions of the systematization of society.
It should be said at this point that I am no anarchist. Indeed, to what end does an anarchist protest?
History, the animal kingdoms, archeology and of course a great weight of human experience shows us, teaches us that once we are stripped of our comforts we quickly become animalists, favouring survival of the fittest. The nature of business, consumerism, in fact all things manifested on this planet are a microcosm of natural selection. We compete. It is our nature. To strip away society is to strip away our civilisation.
In the wild, in the tribal reality that is civilisation stripped we are free to live or die.
In society we are free to live.

Transmission Ends...

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