Tuesday, 21 April 2009


Transmission starts...

Indeed it is difficult to swallow anything that comes forth from the lips of a man who openly denies the holocaust, sites the destruction of Israel as a central aim of his government and enforces an anti-liberal attitude on his population but...
The staged walk out of various 'western' delegates at the UN yesterday was one of (as the man himself put it); 
"Arrogance and selfishness"
For such an apparent extremist to begin his speech by not only praising Allah but also mentioning Abraham and Jesus the Christ was actually a nod of respect to those who stand in the other domains of Yahweh. It had been mooted that various delegates had threatened to walk out if The Bearded Man uttered a word out of turn. 
So, at a conference about racism  he decided to label the Israeli government racist.
Give that man a prize!
Indeed it is no less racist than his very own government but as he later stated;
"...everybody must enjoy the right to freely express his or her opinions... we should not be intolerant of listening to the opinions of others...."
Surely that's what the UN is. A sort of international Parliament?
Then what is it?

Transmission ends.... 

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