the deer dance has begun.
The armed forces of Russia have separated Georgia from its former provinces. In the last three weeks we have watched the various propaganda machines vie for dominance. Even the British media seems distracted and confused. Did Georgia start killing its own citizens? Did Russia leap to the rescue? Was, as one Very Big voice claimed, the whole thing orchestrated by the American Republican party? Who can say? All that is certain is that at this very moment huge amounts of men, equipment and machinery are being repositioned. Iraq and Afghanistan look set to become secondary theatres as all of the involved countries move their respective withdrawal deadlines forward. Why muck about with the largely scattered Al-Quieda when THE bear has just woken up with a sore head? After all, whatever you or I think about the causes of the various conflicts in the Middle East, this one is truly about access to oil and above all, gas...
And strategic missile platforms...
And national pride...
And the lines drawn following the major exchanges of the twentieth century...
You get the picture.
So its Nuclear plus renewables all the way then?
Well, err, don't know.
According to a friend of the family plutonium is in even shorter supply than any other consumable we can think of. We have only ten years of the highest grade left. Enter the businessman I spoke to the other day who described complicated new forms of plutonium recycling. Who's telling the truth? Did the friend simply not know about the recycling? Did the businessman not want to reveal the truth? A complete overview, a complete truth is, as ever, hard to come by. Take the London based PR consultancy company who have been working for the Russian government in the war of words over who's right in Georgia. In a global market nationhood is irrelevant, who's right or wrong is irrelevant, who pays the bills is irrelevant. That they are paying the bills, that they are providing for a new Bentley or Aston or even company 320d which runs on oil taken from / produced by a handful of unstable countries who would happily see us burn for our governments slow and sometimes aggressive meddling in their history is the important part. Why worry about who's backs we're walking on when the Bentley has such lovely seats? Why worry about the innocent dead when the Aston makes such a wonderful noise? Who cares about the truth when I can sit here in Starfucks consuming caffeine writing about the various hypocrisies in my life?
Anybody got any ideas?
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