Thursday, 25 June 2009

Undesirable Al-Qaeda

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"Al-Qaeda's North African branch has claimed responsibility for the killing of an American aid worker"
Brilliant, that's gonna get everyone on side.
"Look, look, we've killed another innocent trying to help our children! Aren't we just marvelous!"
Haven't they learnt the PR lesson yet? Surely they are aware that news has been knocked of its attempted truth throne by the easy route PR movement?
Surely they witnessed the skillful PR war during Russia's little adventure into Georgia?
No matter.
It's all being blown wide open by the Internet. No longer can you shut the doors to a country. No longer can you quietly tidy up the population every time it makes a fuss about freedom, choice, torture or any other such tiresome issue.
Now you're on the spot
Now people can film the police shooting, beating and breaking the rules before it's sent across the world to the everyday. Revolution can happen. Propaganda can only go so far...
That is until someone works out how to manage the whole thing effectively, block out the undesirables, stop some sort of truth getting through...

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Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Mrs George

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Watching , consuming the events of this planet through the lens of the popular media is like picking a scab. Everyday you scar a bit more. Everyday you destroy sensitivity, become a bit more more hardened, a little less hurt by the damage you do to your perception.
There are many things that upset me on this world. Many things that spur me into a caffeine fueled rage on paper. Not much makes me cry though. Not much reaches out and touches me in that certain way.
The outpouring of grief, anger, frustration and pain that greeted the police vans containing the accused last week surprised me. It wasn't the reaction of the people. It wasn't to anyone's surprise that the woman who raped, abused the children in her care, who broadcast these acts to the everyday would produce such a reaction. It was the strength of the reaction. It reached out of my televisions cathode ray tube and twisted my gut, squeezed my soul. It felt like a pressure on my being.
Of course, to secure a successful conviction the parents of the 'featured' children will have to identify them in the pictures, the videos...

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